- 2 Dives (cylinders not supplied)
- Lunch
- Tea and coffee
- Snacks and lollies
Each year the Key Biscayne wreck becomes more colourful as sponge growth takes hold. Schools of fish can be found in every small compartment and opening. Large magnificent Samson Fish are often seen circling the wreck. There are excellent photographic opportunities with significant colourful soft corals covering the wreck. The rig lies upsidedown in sand. The maximum depth is 42 m however this tends to be in one small area where water movement has scooped out the bottom from surge. The top of the wreck is 26m so computers tend to be a must. It is suited to a decompression dive and for those with adequate training and experience this will be permitted. The rig is much like a table with the topside flat and un-interesting. Much of the wreckage is found beneath or surrounding the rig. The leg structures are a main focal point outside the rigs super structure. Crayfish are abundant including Jewfish and snapper.
This dive is only for divers with advanced certification having experience in deeper diving or divers with deep diver or technical training. Divers who would like to dive the wreck but don't have deep experience are welcome to add an Instructor to their booking who can guide them around the wreck safely at depth.